Dubai, renowned for pioneering endeavors, hosts the first-ever jet suit race. Witness adrenaline-fueled action as contestants soar without aircraft aid, marking a...
Dive into the opulent world of FIVE LUXE JBR, the newest addition to the FIVE Hotel & Resorts portfolio, offering a blend...
Experience movie magic under the stars! Join us at Al Safa Park for free classic film screenings and popcorn. Don't miss out!
Looking for exciting experiences in March? Dive into our top 5 recommendations, from workshops to spa days, curated just for you. Find...
Explore the intersection of art and technology at Art Dubai 2024 with BMW's immersive installation. Experience Forwardism in motion.
Don't miss Tom Grennan's electrifying performance in Dubai on May 24, 2024! Get your tickets now for an unforgettable night of music.
The Holy Month of Ramadan will begin in Dubai with the sighting of a crescent moon. It will continue for 29 to...
Discover how Hamilton Aquatics empowers swimmers of all ages to excel in the world of aquatic sports.
Dive into a culinary adventure with Sfumato's family-friendly Saturday breakfast, offering a delightful feast for all ages.
Karate Combat 46 (KC46), a groundbreaking event in the world of combat sports, is set to take place in Dubai this spring.