
Spice Up Your Fitness Goals with Nando’s PERi-Fitness Challenge

Spice Up Your Fitness Goals with Nando's PERi-Fitness Challenge

Discover how Nando’s, the renowned South African multinational casual dining chain famous for its Portuguese flame-grilled peri-peri style chicken, is infusing the New Year with flavor and a commitment to wellness through the PERi-Fit challenge and 10,000 steps reward

Welcome to a new year filled with opportunities for growth, health, and flavour! Nando’s, the beloved South African multinational casual dining chain renowned for its mouthwatering Portuguese flame-grilled peri-peri style chicken, will make your 2024 extraordinary. As we step into the New Year with resolutions for a healthier lifestyle taking centre stage, Nando’s introduces an exciting initiative – the PERi-Fit challenge and the 10,000 steps reward. This innovative program aims to inspire fitness enthusiasts by fostering a holistic approach to wellness and encouraging mindful choices of nutritious and flavorful meals.

Nando’s PERi-Fit Challenge: A Holistic Approach to Wellness

Fueling Your Fitness Journey

Kickstart your fitness journey with Nando’s PERi-Fit Challenge. This program is designed to align with your New Year’s resolutions for a healthier and more active lifestyle. At Nando’s, we believe that wellness is not just about exercise; it’s also about nourishing your body with delicious, wholesome food. The PERi-Fit Challenge combines the best of both worlds – fitness and flavour.

Nando encourages you to embark on a holistic approach to wellness. Our flame-grilled peri-peri style chicken is incredibly delicious and a nutritious option for those looking to maintain a balanced diet. So, why not enjoy your workout and indulge in a guilt-free PERi-PERi delight afterwards?

Showcasing Your Progress

One of the unique aspects of the PERi-Fit Challenge is the opportunity to showcase your daily step count at Nando’s restaurants. Individuals achieving over 10,000 steps throughout January can visit any Nando location across the UAE. Simply show your watch or Fitbit, and you’ll receive an instant complimentary PERi-PERi delight. It’s our way of celebrating your dedication to staying active and healthy.

Spice Up Your Fitness Goals with Nando's PERi-Fitness Challenge

Nando’s: The Preferred Choice for Fitness Enthusiasts

Nando’s has always been more than just a restaurant; it’s a destination for those seeking a delightful balance between fitness and flavour. With our PERi-Fit Challenge and 10,000 steps reward, we’ve solidified our position as the preferred choice for fitness enthusiasts in 2024.

A Flavorful Reward

Imagine the satisfaction of completing a rigorous workout and then savouring the succulent taste of Nando’s peri-peri chicken. It’s the perfect reward for your hard work and dedication. We understand that maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean sacrificing flavour, and Nando’s is here to prove it.

Engaging the Fitness Community

Nando’s isn’t just a place to eat; it’s a community that supports your wellness journey. By inviting individuals to showcase their daily step count, we’re fostering a sense of camaraderie among fitness enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, Nando’s is here to cheer you on.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What is the PERi-Fit Challenge?

A: The PERi-Fit Challenge is an initiative by Nando’s that encourages individuals to adopt a holistic approach to wellness. It combines fitness with flavorful dining, allowing you to enjoy delicious, nutritious meals after achieving 10,000 steps.

Q: When does the PERi-Fit Challenge take place?

A: The PERi-Fit Challenge runs throughout January at Nando’s locations across the UAE.

Q: How can I participate in the PERi-Fit Challenge?

A: To participate, all you need to do is achieve over 10,000 steps daily, visit a Nando’s restaurant in the UAE, show your watch or Fitbit, and enjoy a complimentary PERi-PERi delight.

Q: What is a PERi-PERi delight?

A: A PERi-PERi delight is a delicious dish from Nando’s menu, featuring their signature flame-grilled peri-peri style chicken.

Q: Is Nando’s chicken healthy?

A: Yes, Nando’s chicken is not only delicious but also a nutritious choice. It’s high in protein and can be part of a balanced diet.

Q: Can I participate in the PERi-Fit Challenge if I’m not a fitness enthusiast?

A: Absolutely! The PERi-Fit Challenge is open to everyone, whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting your fitness journey.


Nando’s UAE is your partner in flavour and wellness for 2024. With the PERi-Fit Challenge and the 10,000-step reward, we’re here to inspire you on your fitness journey while satisfying your taste buds with our delectable peri-peri-style chicken. Join us at Nando’s to celebrate the New Year with a perfect blend of fitness and flavour. It’s time to embrace a healthier, more delicious you.

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