
Bonded Bliss Meditation For Parents and Kids

Bonded Bliss Meditation For Parents and Kids at The Wellbeing Sanctuary

Launching on Wednesday, September 4th in line with kids going back to school, The Wellbeing Sanctuary will offer a group guided meditation for both parents and children, “Bonded Bliss”!

In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and distractions are an ever-present challenge, families are constantly searching for effective ways to cultivate peace and emotional balance. As the new school year begins, it’s an ideal time to introduce a practice that fosters mindfulness and strengthens the parent-child connection. The Wellbeing Sanctuary offers a remarkable opportunity to achieve this through its “Bonded Bliss” meditation sessions.

Fact Box

What: Embrace mindfulness through a shared 45 minute group meditation experience for parents and children, offering gentle, guided exercises that focus on finding stillness, embracing calm, and cultivating a peaceful connection. 

When: Held every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM, starting from September 4th

Price: AED 200 for 1 adult and 1 child (aged 6 to 15 years), including the “Bonded Bliss” guided meditation and light refreshments to enjoy afterwards

Booking details: Advanced booking is required. Whatsapp – 050 6163362, call 04 – 570 7236, or email [email protected]

Bonded Bliss Meditation For Parents and Kids at The Wellbeing Sanctuary

What is Bonded Bliss?

“Bonded Bliss” is a specialized meditation program tailored for families, particularly parents and children aged 6 to 15 years. This program, led by a seasoned meditation expert with over 34 years of experience, is designed to provide a nurturing environment where both generations can learn and practice mindfulness together. The sessions aim to help families build a lasting bond through shared moments of stillness, calm, and peaceful connection.

Why Mindfulness Matters for Families

Mindfulness is more than just a trend; it’s a proven technique that can significantly enhance emotional well-being and resilience. For children, learning mindfulness from a young age equips them with essential tools for managing stress, improving focus, and cultivating a sense of inner peace. For parents, practicing mindfulness alongside their children not only sets a powerful example but also strengthens the emotional bond within the family unit.

Benefits of Meditation for Children

Meditation is often perceived as an adult activity, but it holds immense benefits for children as well. Engaging in regular mindfulness practices helps children develop emotional intelligence, improve concentration, and manage stress more effectively. By introducing these practices at an early age, parents can empower their children to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and confidence.

Bonded Bliss takes this a step further by integrating parents into the practice, creating a shared experience that fosters emotional growth for both parties. The program encourages children to mimic their parents’ positive behaviors, leading to a more profound adoption of mindfulness practices in their daily lives.

Bonded Bliss Meditation For Parents and Kids at The Wellbeing Sanctuary

A Detailed Look at Bonded Bliss Sessions

Session Structure and Activities

Each “Bonded Bliss” session lasts for 45 minutes, providing ample time for families to immerse themselves in the practice. The sessions are held every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM, offering consistency and flexibility for busy schedules.

The meditation sessions are gently guided by the experienced teacher, who leads participants through a series of exercises designed to calm the mind and nurture the parent-child bond. These exercises focus on:

  • Breath Awareness: Learning to focus on the breath, a fundamental aspect of mindfulness, which helps in grounding and calming the mind.
  • Body Scan Meditation: A technique that involves paying attention to different parts of the body, promoting relaxation and reducing tension.
  • Loving-Kindness Meditation: This practice encourages feelings of compassion and love towards oneself and others, fostering a positive emotional environment.
  • Guided Visualization: Using imagery to create a peaceful mental space, aiding in stress reduction and emotional balance.

Creating a Tranquil Environment

The Wellbeing Sanctuary provides a serene and welcoming atmosphere, carefully designed to enhance the meditation experience. The space is quiet, with soft lighting and comfortable seating, allowing families to fully relax and engage in the practice. After the meditation, participants are invited to enjoy light refreshments, offering a moment to reflect and connect further.

Bonded Bliss Meditation For Parents and Kids at The Wellbeing Sanctuary

How Bonded Bliss Supports Emotional Growth

The benefits of “Bonded Bliss” extend far beyond the meditation session itself. By participating in this program, families can expect to see:

Improved Emotional Regulation

Children who practice mindfulness regularly develop better control over their emotions. This means they are less likely to react impulsively to stress and more likely to approach challenges with a calm, measured response. Parents, too, benefit from this practice, finding themselves better equipped to handle the ups and downs of parenting.

Strengthened Parent-Child Bond

The shared experience of meditation creates a unique opportunity for parents and children to connect on a deeper emotional level. These moments of joint stillness and reflection help to build trust, understanding, and love within the family, laying a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

Enhanced Resilience

Life is full of challenges, and teaching children how to cope with these challenges is a crucial aspect of parenting. Through mindfulness practices like those offered in “Bonded Bliss,” children learn to face difficulties with resilience and grace. This not only benefits them in their youth but also prepares them for the complexities of adult life.


In a world that often feels overwhelming, finding ways to maintain emotional balance and connection within the family is more important than ever. “Bonded Bliss” offers a unique, accessible, and deeply meaningful way for parents and children to embrace mindfulness together. By participating in these sessions, families can cultivate lasting peace and resilience, benefiting from the lifelong skills that mindfulness provides.

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